Feedback and Complaints
Do you have any feedback to share? Do you feel any areas of our care or services could be improved? We would love to hear what you think!
We welcome your comments, suggestions, compliments and also complaints. Kalwun takes complaint handling very seriously and has a number of processes in place to make sure that complaints are identified, examined, responded to and, where possible, issues rectified. Kalwun’s goal, mission and values reiterate the fact that we want to ensure that our staff and the whole community have a level of respect and appreciation for each other and our organisation.
To provide feedback or a complaint, you can speak to a Kalwun staff member/manager or fill in our online form below.
Please note that all Kalwun sites and Jellurgal will be closed from 1pm Friday 23 December 2022 and re-open on Tuesday 3 January 2023 and any enquiries submitted during this time will be responded to upon re-opening. We appreciate your patience.